I am compelled to dust off those techniques I know that work, use them to their potential, then wave the white flag. If I've done all I can and I still can't keep up, I gotta let people know.
What works?
- Do what matters. Absorb the principles of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey.
- Use my time well. Self-diagnose my weak areas and learn new techniques. I've about incorporated all the techniques in Leave the Office Earlier: The Productivity Pro Shows You How to Do More in Less Time...and Feel Great About It by Laura Stack. Her diagnostic quizzes are great.
- I have just been twigged to the Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen, which intrigues me to learn more
- Also worth investigating are techniques to avoid inbox overload. Thanks Paulflevy On managing email http://bit.ly/xIKxx for twigging me to this article. The goal is http://inboxzero.com/ and 43 folders.
Well, off to it, then. I have my marching orders.
P.S. Found another one on my google foraging expedition. Email: The Variable Reinforcement Machine
I'm going to try this: http://www.gtdagenda.com/page.php?p=next