Thursday, March 24, 2016

Getting my Geek On...the Process

At geek week down at the TELUS world of science. I am inspired by Mark Connolly's guests from who organize nerd evenings where local affectionados strut their stuff. In front of other nerds of course. Their events sell out so they must be tapping in to Edmonton's heart.

Which got me to thinking. What gets my geek on? Near the top of my list has got to be process mapping considering I leap at any opportunity to facilitate a session. I must have racked up at least ten thousand hours by now.

These diagrams I am convinced also are a critical tool helping businesses stop leaking money. In these times of restraint, it is a great way to keep us all afloat. I have convincing reasons to show you why.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Yet another comment on Trump

I had the occasion to draw anger. My contemporary model should be no surprise, and it was very easy to find him in full rosy glory. Now, when I am fully absorbed in drawing a figure, I come to know it, even intimately. I saw enough to make a prediction. Though it seems this side of foolish to scatter more random comments in to the roar of words surrounding this man, I'm saying it now. After all, a prediction falls a little flat after the fact.

As I drew this face, I saw perfectly - I mean - perfectly straight teeth. A tad overlarge for the mouth. His naturals have been capped. The skin, disturbingly free of wrinkles. And very evenly tanned; except for around the eyes. This is a man who is hiding his infirmity. 

If this candidate-elect ever becomes president, the job will kill him. Not from random violence or protest, but simply from over-work. He is on the brink of ill-health, and is going to great pains to hide it.