Sunday, July 25, 2021

Gratefulness #27 Running Intervals

I had to be over fifty to discover the magic of intervals. If I can run for one minute, I can train for any distance. 

Cardio responds to encouragement better than any fat cell, which seems bound to add to its community no matter how firmly I deprive myself. 

I head out in to the school yard. I walk for a minute, then run for a minute. The landscape governs my course as I run the diamond, score a goal, and weave between the trees. Resident rabbit is spooked. Gulls stare. Every new direction opens up new vistas and new goals. My fifteen minutes are up in a flash. 

The magic of intervals is that I get recovery time every minute. Do this for a week and then I can up my game to two minute intervals, then three. 

My body responds to the new demands as if it were born to run. The improved cardio fitness puts a blush in my cheek and a sparkle in my eye. 

I am grateful for the discovery of intervals and the folks at the Running Room for introducing me.